Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Amazing What $15 Can Buy...

For the past several years, Romney and I have tried to make a habit of taking the kids on a date.  We are not that consistent at doing it, but we have found that those dates provide some quality one-on-one time that is nearly impossible to achieve at home.  (My dad was great at taking the time to do that with me and some of my fondest childhood memories with him are from those dates.)

Christian has been begging me to take him on a date, but for what ever reason, we have not been able to find the time to go.  So finally on Saturday morning, I told him that we were going on a date, just the two of us.  I did not really have anything planned, but he was so excited.

We started the morning at Krispy Kreme and ended our date at Boondocks Fun Center.  We rode a go-cart, played dozens of arcade games and climbed through the play land...together. Yep, even me.

It wasn't much effort on my part, but I'll tell you that I have not felt that loved in a long time.  He kept hugging me and telling me that I was the best mom in the world.

On the drive home, he told me with his cute squinty eyes, "Mom, this has been the best day of my life!"

A perfect way to spend a morning...all for $15 bucks and a few hours of my time. Turns out, that morning was just what I needed. Thank you Christian!


  1. You are cooler than the Kool-aid mom!

  2. That is so dang cute! Christian is so sweet!

  3. alecia, i can tell you are such an AMAZING mom and person in general. you truly inspire me. i love reading your blog.


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