Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A 12th Birthday & The Gift of Motherhood

During our years in Boston, this week in April was always a highlight.  The weather was finally warming and the city came to life on Patriot's Day, the state holiday for Massachusetts, the third Monday in April.  This historical day, April 19th commemorates the start of the US Revolutionary War.  There is a re-enactment of the Paul Revere's ride, Battle at Lexington and Concord and on this day every year, runners from all over the world run the beloved Boston Marathon. Our friends would always gather on heartbreak hill to cheer on the marathon runners and then end the day at a local favorite, Kimball's Farm for delicious slow-churned ice cream.

Twelve years ago today, I ran my own version of the Boston Marathon when I gave birth to Thomas.  He was born on Patriot's Day, April 19th, at 8:45 AM.  The hospital sat just less than one mile from the famous finish line at Kenmore Square in Boston.

It is hard to believe that was 12 years ago today! What a journey it has been.  Thomas has been a determined and strong-willed child from the second he took his first breath.

I'll never forget how scary and vulnerable I felt as Romney and I walked out of that hospital with him in our arms.  I could not believe that the hospital staff was just going to let us walk out of there with a baby.  Didn't they know we had no clue what we were doing? I felt like I was stepping into adulthood as we drove away.  I think I was right.

On this day, Thomas gave me the gift of motherhood.  In a way,  we have been guinea pigs together--a first for both of us.  But, I'll be honest, being Thomas' mom has been a joy beyond measure.   Thomas and I are great friends...we have been from the start.  What an honor that I am the one who gets to watch him blossom into the amazing person he is.

12 is a big one.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for my darling Thomas...the sweet kid who will somehow always be my little guy with huge blue eyes and munchable cheeks.  I'll admit that I get a lump in my throat when I think about how quickly his childhood is flying by.

 Happy Birthday Mr. T!!

1 comment:

  1. 12? Wow! Time flies (especially when I'm not seeing Thomas every week anymore). Happy Birthday to him! And happy motherhood to you!


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