Friday, October 8, 2010

What does it mean to "Live Rich?"

Several years ago, a dear friend of ours Rich Lloyd was diagnosed with a stage 4 malignant brain tumor.  He was 35 years old, had 3 kids, a darling wife and had just started an exciting business career opportunity.  Cancer did not fit into his plans, yet despite his valiant fight, he died 8 months later. Those who followed his journey to beat his cancer were in awe of him.  It was an inspiration to watch as he reflected on his life and shared his perspective on life's purpose. During his battle with cancer, he and his family came up with a slogan.  They used the term, "Live Rich."

They made red wrist bands for all his friends with this slogan on it.  I thought it was interesting however, that Rich was always quick to remind us that the slogan was not meant to be words of encouragement for Rich to "keep living," rather they were words to remind us how we should be living our own lives.    

I bring this up today because last night we heard about another young dad who is also fighting his last battle with a brain tumor and like Rich, he is losing that battle.  (His name is Ben Jacobsen.  We don't know him personally, but he is the cousin of one of our friends.)  Cancer did not fit into this guy's plans either.  He wrote on his blog some of the things that he will miss in his life.  I thought it was interesting that his list focused on the little things like soccer games, hikes with his wife and making Christmas memories with his kids.  It was obvious that he will miss the things that have made it possible for him to "Live Rich."

I am not trying to be "Debbie Downer" so please forgive me for the heavy post.  I have just been thinking about this guy all day.  It has made me feel more determined to enjoy the little and let's be honest insignificant things in my day.  Every now and then I have to say to myself, "what will my kids say about me?"  Will they say that the way I "Lived Rich" was to have a clean house?  I hope not.

My kids have a remarkable way of enjoying life.  I watch them make a game of everything.  Their laughter is contagious and their imaginations are inspiring.  No wonder that their days are full of laughter and fun.

I can't help but think this is probably why kids are rarely diagnosed with high blood pressure. They truly get what it means to "live rich."


  1. Thanks Alecia. I needed the reminder as I am lately feeling sorry for myself and my lack of my own little family. It is good to be reminded that 'living richly' has everything to do with our state of mind and very little to do with what we have or don't have around us.

  2. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I am so quick to do the things I need to get done, that sometimes I forget the important things. Sometimes you just need to be reminded!

  3. I needed that reminder Mam, so Thank you!!! Love you!!


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